International Collaboration

A policewoman stands in front of a whiteboard, on which Røros (Norway) and Funäsdalen (Sweden) are written.
Foto: Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB)

Sharing information and experience across national borders is important at the political, strategic and operational levels.

Cross border communication

Nødnett is connected to its counterparts in Finland (VIRVE) and Sweden (Rakel), using the TETRA standard ISI (Inter System Interface). ISI allows communication between different networks, and makes it possible to migrate with radio terminals to other networks.

A three-way connection between VIRVE, Nødnett and Rakel was launched September 2019.

Photo: Johan Eklund/MSB

Haga cooperation

Nordic cooperation on civil protection and crisis preparedness was initiated and formalized in the Haga Declaration in 2009. The purpose of the cooperation is to ensure Nordic citizen a safe society and a robust Nordic region without borders. During the period 2019-2021, the focus was on strengthening common capabilities within:

  • Forest fire and wildfire response
  • Emergency communication

Norway/DSB was responsible for the collaboration on emergency communication. The goal was, and will continue to be, to develop the benefits of collaboration in future systems.

International fora

DSB participates in a number of international fora. Exchange of information and experience is crucial for all actors working with emergency preparedness.

NCCOM (Nordic Critical Communication Operator Meeting) (former NTOM): A meeting place for the Nordic TETRA operators. Knowledge sharing and exchange of experience are in focus when representatives from Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway meet with the intention of continued robust and borderless emergency communication in the Nordic region. In 2022, Island joined NCCOM.

TCCA (TETRA Critical Communication Association): A member organization that leads the global development of standardized, critical communication solutions for professional users. The members consist of authorities, manufacturers, operators and end users, and the organization's purpose is to discuss and develop the market for the benefit of all. Since 2019, DSB has been represented at the TCCA Board. DSB also participates in the working group Critical Communications Broadband Group (CCBG).

At Nødnettdagene 2021, Tero Pesonen, TCCA vice chair and CCBG chair, and Nina Myren, Director and TCCA board member, talked about International and Nordic collaboration:

PSCE (Public Safety Communications Europe Forum) is a forum where representatives from public safety organizations, industry and research institutions meet to discuss and exchange ideas and best practices, develop views and roadmaps, and prepare for the future of public emergency communication.

RCEG- LEWP (Radio Communication Expert Group – Law and Enforcement Party): An EU body for police organizations in the EU countries. RCEG is a specialist group for radio communication, voice and broadband data. RCEG-LEWP discusses issues related to public authorities' radio communication with a focus on police-related issues. DSB meets on behalf of the police.

Dimetra User Forum is a forum for organizations using Motorola's technology. The organizations meet to discuss common issues.

In addition, DSB has a close collaboration with ESMC, the UK Home Office's organization, to establish emergency communication of the future. Among other things, DSB has established the Kodiak User Forum, as both ESMC and DSB have acquired a Kodiak platform from Motorola/Kodiak and want coordinated learning.